Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Coldsnap in Vancouver, BC!

Hey everyone, it's sure looked COLD outside last night and today! Why I say 'looked' and not 'was' is because my humans brought me inside for the night, and until it gets warmer! Thanks you guys! I was nice and toasty last night! They brought me into their unfinished dining room- a perfect place for a little bunny like me!

Here I am!

And me again, going for a close up!

How 'bout all my furry friends? How cold was it last night/now where y'all live? For me, it was -6 Celsius in Vancouver, BC! Leave me a message in my cbox or comment on this post!

Take care!



Monday, January 21, 2008


Today, when Sarah came out to check on me (that's the part I like about being a 'pet'- people do everything for you! By the way, I'm just humoring her with the 'pet' thing), she discovered my water was totally frozen! Finally! I was really thirsty! Then, when she brought it inside to defrost and to fill it up again, she forgot to close the cage!! It was my big break! She used to let me run outside on the deck totally free, but she's been getting her house renovated lately, and there was sharp stuff on the deck, so she hasn't let me run outside free for a while. Plus, she thinks I'll catch a cold. Pffft!

Here's me minding my own business, as Sarah walked away, totally unaware! Haha!

And here's me making a break for it! Haha! I'm freeeeee! Ah, sweet freedom! But, of course, Sarah comes out and ruins everything.

Now, here I am after Sarah threw me (er, I mean, put me gently...) into the cage. *sigh*

Fine. Well, I'm just going to sit in my loft and pout. Not working you say? Hmm... I'll be free next time, just you wait! Just you... oh. You're gone. Ok, bye.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Warmer Dayz!

Oh, how I long for warmer weather! My residence is outside on Sarah's (my human's) sundeck. But right now it's a frozendeck. Heehee! I do have my winter coat, and a really nice little second story loft with hay and shavings (it's a big dog cage! Heehee!), but it still gets a bit cold! I really like being brought in for a cuddle once in a while. Oh, there's a picture of me in the summer, a long time ago! Now let's see... oh man! Sarah! I hate when she puts pictures of me grooming up for everyone to see! She thinks they're cute or something. Hasn't she heard of privacy?? I'll have to have a little talk with her. Humph. Well, talk to y'all later! xoxo ♥

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Checking out my Blog

Wow! I'm liking my blog! And the top of the computer... nice and warm... zzzzzzzzzzz......... oh, sorry 'bout that! Well, I'm going to go have a nap now- ttfn!

Hey Everyone!

Hey everyone! My name is Angel, though my humans call me Bunny. And sometime Dumb Bunny, though I really don't appreciate that. Ok, so I'm not always the smartest, but everyone has their moments! Sheesh. Anyways, I'm new to this, so if you could help me out, that would be great! Thanks!
