Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day everybunny!! Hope everybunny's day was GREAT!

Heehee! I'm pink!



Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Warmer weather and a furry friend.

Hey everybunny!

Sorry I haven't written for so long! My human, Sarah, has been really busy, and I... well... OK, I'm a bit too short to reach the computer on my own. So I need her help. But I'm back! It's sure been warming up, eh? I like the sunshine! Also, off topic, Sarah really wants to get a hamster! I'm not so sure why, when she has a bunny like me, but who knows- I might really grow to love it! But we need your help. Her mum doesn't want one- she thinks 1 animal is enough, and she doesn't think we have enough room. But there's always room for another furry friend, right? So I'm going to put out a poll of some sort for you guys to vote! Could you please help us out? Thanks and have a great week!

Angel xoxo